Kī tusīṁ ikalē nahīṁ hō


You are not alone


Bạn không cô đơn


usted no está solo


Kī tusīṁ ikalē nahīṁ hō | You are not alone | Bạn không cô đơn | usted no está solo |

We’re working to build a community where everyone can live free from violence

Previously known as the Women’s Liberation Halfway House, YANA has been providing holistic support for victim-survivors impacted by family violence since 1974.


We provide outreach support, secondary consultations, and case management for people at risk of family violence.


We provide short-term crisis accommodation and support for those facing family violence.


Our work as advocates and thought leaders helps us to build more connected communities.

What you need to know

If you are experiencing family violence or planning to leave

Learn how to recognise family violence in your own life, make a safety plan, or access emergency help to escape it.

If you are supporting someone experiencing family violence 

Learn how ensure that your support is effective, safe, and informed.

As a community member

Learn about the drivers and social conditions that drive family violence, and how to be part of preventing it in your community.

What is family violence?

Family violence is any threatening, coercive, dominating or abusive behaviour that occurs between people in a family, domestic or intimate relationship, or former intimate relationship. It can include:

Intimate partner abuse

Dating abuse

Child abuse

Parental or elder abuse

Financial abuse

Online abuse

Getting help

To access our services, you will first need to contact Safe Steps. If you are in an emergency setting, contact 000.


Need police or ambulance now? Call 000

Available 24/7


Seeking refuge accommodation?
Dial Safe Steps 1800 015 188

Available 24/7